An ash monofill was studied from 1997 to 2001. Monitoring results of the lined landfill showed viability of liner since groundwater standards were not exceeded. Raw leachate of RCRA heavy metal leachate results show Chromium reaching groundwater standards while Lead, Cadmium and Zinc slightly exceed these standards. An upset incident of premature set-up of lime-laden ash caused a back-up and overflow condition in 1994. Adding water of solubilization and field compaction achieves optimal geo-technical properties and reduces heavy metal leachate. This water addition would have also reduced fugitive dust concerns. These principles of sound engineering management of MWC residues were well-known and widely publicized. If the landfill operator had applied these principles the upset incident could have been avoided. Long-term trends of RCRA heavy metal leachate results show compliance with groundwater standards, although Lead, Cadmium and Zinc exceed these standards. Application of sound engineering placement practice would have reduced these long-term trends. USA Regulatory officials should consider incorporating these principles into residue management recommendations, following Environment Canada’s example. Recognition and implementation of these principles would confirm that incinerator ash can be properly managed — to alleviate concerns — justifying their beneficial reuse.

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