To solve the problems of complex robot programming tasks, we propose an Augmented Reality (AR) based human-robot interface for planning a collision-free path in a complex environment. Current robot programming methods usually require a high level of experience in robot programming (online programming), the time-consuming 3D modeling of the working environment for collision detection (offline programming), and a tedious and inefficient re-planing to adapt environment or task changes (both online and offline programming). In order to address these problems, an end-to-end AR human-robot interface is proposed, which provides a new affordance to users by enabling them to plan the path in the AR environment. A set of user-interactive tools allow users to define and edit waypoints as the high-level guidance and the direct inputs for the toolpath planning package, Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL). With the fast sensing of the workspace and accurate rendering, an in-situ simulation module is utilized for collision check and verification by the users’ perception. Users will repeat the process of 1) waypoints definition and editing, and 2) the collision checking and path feasibility verification, until a satisfactory path is obtained. A preliminary testing is conducted in a use case with complex obstacles to verified the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed interface.