
Electrically assisted manufacturing is the direct application of an electric current or field to a workpiece during a manufacturing operation. In addition to resistive heating, various anomalous effects have been observed experimentally. Since its conception in the 1950s, scientists continue to debate the existence of these so called electroplastic effects (EPEs) due to conflicted results shown throughout literature. A popular theory of electroplasticity is the electron wind, which postulates that there is a transfer of momentum between electrons and dislocations, which assists their motion during deformation. Though refuted both mathematically and experimentally in other types of tests, the electron wind theory, and therefore the existence of electroplasticity, is interestingly supported by the existence of polarity effects in wire drawing.

A detailed review of the literature that has shown polarity effects in wire drawing is conducted. While the authors of these publications failed to fully disclose all test parameters, requiring several assumptions to be made, it appears that no mathematical/logical trends could be established. It is hypothesized herein that the velocity of the wire in a wire drawing application can influence the drift velocity of electrons, thereby increasing or decreasing current flow explicitly through the moving section of the wire. In order to test this hypothesis, a fixture was constructed which is capable of passing a current through a moving wire at common wire drawing speeds. Modern sensing equipment was used to measure various electrical parameters during testing. The wire speed effect hypothesis was refuted by experimental testing. While the results of experimental testing thus far indicate the existence of electroplasticity, further testing that includes drawing and force measurements must be conducted in order to fully conclude its existence in the wire drawing application.

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