
Accurate prediction of product failures and the need for repair services become critical for various reasons, including understanding the warranty performance of manufacturers, defining cost-efficient repair strategies, and compliance with safety standards. The purpose of this study is to use machine learning tools to analyze several parameters crucial for achieving a robust repair service system, including the number of repairs, the time of the next repair ticket or product failure, and the time to repair. A large dataset of over 530,000 repairs and maintenance of medical devices has been investigated by employing the Support Vector Machine (SVM) tool. SVM with four kernel functions is used to forecast the timing of the next failure or repair request in the system for two different products and two different failure types, namely random failure and physical damage. A frequency analysis is also conducted to explore the product quality level based on product failure and the time to repair it. Besides, the best probability distributions are fitted for the number of failures, the time between failures, and the time to repair. The results reveal the value of data analytics and machine learning tools in analyzing post-market product performance and the cost of repair and maintenance operations.

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