Over the last few decades, the interest in modeling of machining processes has been growing. In this regard, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is one of the latest powerful techniques used for that purpose. The strength of SPH lies behind its accuracy in stress calculations and the ability to handle situations involving large amount of deformation, which is difficult to be tackled using traditional finite element methods. This work aims to present and evaluate the use of SPH method in modeling of high speed machining (HSM). A thermo-mechanical coupled analysis of both 2D and 3D models is performed using LS-DYNA. The simulation aims to predict the cutting forces and chip morphology during high speed orthogonal cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy. In order to accurately simulate the material behavior during cutting, Johnson-Cook material constitutive model is used. The results from SPH model are validated using published experimental data.

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