Beside strain intensity, stress triaxiality (pressure-stress states) is the most important factor to control initiation of ductile fracture in chip segmentation through affecting the loading capacity and strain to failure. The effect of stress triaxiality on failure strain is usually assessed by dynamic Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) or quasi-static tests of tension, compression, torsion, and shear. However, the stress triaxialities produced by these tests are considerably different from those in high speed machining of titanium alloys where adiabatic shear bands (ASB) are associated with much higher strains, stresses and temperatures. This aspect of shear localization and fracture are poorly understood in previous research. This paper aims to demonstrate the role of stress triaxiality in chip segmentation during machining titanium alloy using finite element method. This research promotes a fundamental understanding of thermo-mechanics of the high-speed machining process, and provides a logical insight into the fracture mechanism in discontinuous chips.

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