Recent studies show that inter-particle interaction can affect particle trajectories and particle deposition causing fouling in the microfilters used for metal working fluids (MWFs). Inter-particle interaction depends on various factors: particle geometry and surface properties, membrane pore geometry and surface properties, MWF’s properties and system operating conditions, etc. A mathematical model with a Langevin equation for particle trajectory and a hard sphere model for particle deposition has been used to study the effect of particle’s size, particle’s surface zeta potential, inter-particle distance, and shape of membrane pore wall surface on particle trajectory and its deposition on membrane pore wall. The study reveals that bigger particles have a lesser tendency to be deposited on membrane pore walls than smaller particles. The shape of the membrane pore wall surface can also affect the particle deposition behavior.
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ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 41st North American Manufacturing Research Conference
June 10–14, 2013
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Manufacturing Engineering Division
Effect of Inter-Particle Interaction on Particle Deposition in a Cross-Flow Microfilter
Talukder Z. Jubery,
Talukder Z. Jubery
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
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Shiv G. Kapoor,
Shiv G. Kapoor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
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John E. Wentz
John E. Wentz
University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN
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Talukder Z. Jubery
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Shiv G. Kapoor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
John E. Wentz
University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN
Paper No:
MSEC2013-1211, V002T04A014; 9 pages
Published Online:
November 27, 2013
Jubery, TZ, Kapoor, SG, & Wentz, JE. "Effect of Inter-Particle Interaction on Particle Deposition in a Cross-Flow Microfilter." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 41st North American Manufacturing Research Conference. Volume 2: Systems; Micro and Nano Technologies; Sustainable Manufacturing. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. June 10–14, 2013. V002T04A014. ASME.
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