A numerical model has been developed for focused ultrasound propagation in water towards a solid target, for which the previous modeling work in the literature has been limited. The model predications are reasonably consistent with experimental observations on the cavitation region size at the target surface in the given ultrasound transducer power range, which has provided a verification of the model. The model calculations show that the ultrasound-induced peak negative pressure is highly spatially non-uniform on the side surface of a studied cylindrical target under the investigated conditions. This implies that to uniformly peen the target with focused ultrasonic cavitation peening, a special process design and/or parameter selection may be needed, for which the developed model may provide a useful guiding tool.
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ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 41st North American Manufacturing Research Conference
June 10–14, 2013
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Manufacturing Engineering Division
Modeling of Focused Ultrasound Propagation in Water Towards a Solid Target and Comparisons to Experimental Observations on Ultrasonic Cavitation
Navid Dabir-Moghaddam,
Navid Dabir-Moghaddam
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
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Yibo Gao,
Yibo Gao
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
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Benxin Wu
Benxin Wu
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
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Navid Dabir-Moghaddam
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Yibo Gao
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Benxin Wu
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Paper No:
MSEC2013-1246, V001T01A061; 7 pages
Published Online:
November 27, 2013
Dabir-Moghaddam, N, Gao, Y, & Wu, B. "Modeling of Focused Ultrasound Propagation in Water Towards a Solid Target and Comparisons to Experimental Observations on Ultrasonic Cavitation." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 41st North American Manufacturing Research Conference. Volume 1: Processing. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. June 10–14, 2013. V001T01A061. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/MSEC2013-1246
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