In machining using a diamond-coated tool, the tool geometry and process parameters have compound effects on the thermal and mechanical states in the tools. For example, decreasing the edge radius tends to increase deposition-induced residual stresses at the tool edge interface. Moreover, changing the uncut chip thickness to a small-value range, comparable or smaller than the edge radius, will involve the so-called size effect. In this study, a developed 2D cutting simulation that incorporates deposition residual stresses was applied to evaluate the size effect, at different cutting speeds, on the tool stresses, tool temperatures, specific cutting energy as well as the interface stresses around a cutting edge. The size effect on the radial normal stress is more noticeable at a low speed. In particular, a large uncut chip thickness has a substantially lower stress. On the other hand, the size effect on the circumferential normal stress is more noticeable at a high speed. At a small uncut chip thickness, the stress is largely compressive.

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