Ongoing research has been done to develop control methods based on the simulated loading paths input to the press machinery. This forms an open loop system where the characteristics of the Press hydraulic unit involved delivering the forming agents, i.e. the axial cylinders and valves, are neglected. This process approach leads to most experiments being done by simplifications which is time consuming and expensive, curbs the ability to have feedback control and restricts development of complex machinery response algorithms. Cylinder force control and controller design models have been researched widely such as PID and H∞ but less is known about their application to Tube Hydroforming (THF) process control which is relatively new. This paper focuses on modeling the THF process and developing a Real time PID controller to operate with a prototype model. The position of the cylinder is tracked and compared with reference provided from a database via a dynamic data exchange link showing that control could be achieved with a prototype. Position control with above approach results in efficient and concerted control merging the loading path design flexibility with machinery dynamic response.

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