Servo presses are recently introduced metal forming machinery and they are in many ways, a hybrid of mechanical and hydraulic presses. They are designed to combine the strengths of conventional mechanical and hydraulic presses, and at the same time to minimize their constraints. The advantages of servo presses in metal forming technology are discussed briefly. Advantages they offer in warm forming are discussed more in detail and demonstrated experimentally. By using the flexibility that the servo press offers, the effect of contact pressure on temperature change and surface roughness of aluminum and magnesium sheet is experimentally investigated. Non-isothermal warm forming is introduced and studied experimentally. Combined advantages of the non-isothermal approach and the servo motor controlled press are demonstrated by introducing a variable forming speed concept. As a result, 60% savings in cup drawing time is achieved experimentally. Measured temperature curves were used in FEA to determine heat transfer coefficients. Effect of the determined heat transfer coefficients on deep drawing was analyzed using FEA and good agreement were obtained between FEA predictions and experimental measurements.

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