Micro milling operations utilize miniature tools to remove workpiece material, in order to create the desired 3D miniature components. One of the challenges in a micro milling operation is the unstable phenomenon called regenerative chatter. The occurrence of chatter in the micro domain, as in macro machining, is detrimental to part finishes and significantly reduces the longevity of tools. There are two different cutting mechanisms in micro milling operations, which are determined by the critical chip thickness. When the chip thickness is less than the critical chip thickness, no chip forms and ploughing occurs; whereas, when the chip thickness is greater than the critical chip thickness, a chip forms and shearing cutting happens. During each rotation of the tool, the cutting mechanisms switch from ploughing to shearing and vice versa. This paper introduces a time domain chatter model to investigate the effects of the ploughing and shearing mechanisms on stability. The model also considers the effects of process damping in micro milling, especially at low spindle speeds. Several experimental tests have been performed to validate the model.

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