This paper presents a computational framework for calculating turning energy for parts and assemblies, at two levels — early design stage and manufacturing stage. At the early design stage such energy estimation can be used to redesign the part and assemblies for manufacturing energy efficiency. At the manufacturing stage, allocation of resources based on energy efficient process planning and scheduling aids in reducing the carbon emissions of the product due to manufacturing energy production. For computing the turning energy, at the early design stage, first removal volume for turning operations for a part is identified. Then, material data and the removal volume are used to calculate a range of turning energy for manufacturing the part. If dealing with an assembly, then the above computations are applied to each individual parts and total turning energy is computed for the assembly. Energy hogging parts/features are identified based on percent contribution, which is then used to suggest parts for re-design. Application of statistical analysis and allocation of turning energy for identifying re-design parts is also explored. Re-design at the early design stage is performed at two levels — form (geometry and shape) and material. At the manufacturing stage, turning energy calculations can be utilized for optimizing the process plans. Although the framework presented in this paper is applied only to turned parts and assemblies, it can also be applied to machined parts and assemblies.

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