This study examines the performance of a new class of wear-resistant but economical cutting tools produced by varying the binder composition of standard cemented carbide composites. By replacing some or all of the cobalt binder with rhenium and nickel-based superalloy, a stronger composite tool results, potentially capable of machining heat-resistant superalloys at significantly higher cutting speeds. Sample tools with alternative binder were produced and compared to standard tools bound with cobalt only. Turning experiments on Inconel 718 were run to evaluate wear resistance and tool life for several grades. The experimentation also examined the effects of varying the relative proportions of each binder constituent as well as the overall binder percentage in the composite. Results show a clear advantage of the alternative binder tools as evidenced by a 150% increase in tool life or the equivalent of an 18% increase in cutting speed. Although increasing amounts of rhenium in the binder show a positive effect on performance, the effects of superalloy and overall binder % are inconclusive.

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