A new understanding of the expulsion mechanism in electrical discharge machining (EDM) is discussed in this investigation. The shifting secondary discharge inside a cathodic root is revealed as the major driving force for metal expulsion in EDM. A typical electrode couple of steel for cathode and copper for anode is used in all the experiments and discussions. Micro graphs of discharge craters are taken from the complex surface directly after a continual discharging process while either normal or reversed polarity is applied. The apparent difference in crater morphologies on anode and cathode indicates the unique expulsion mechanism, namely secondary discharges, which only take place inside the cathodic root. The compliance of secondary discharges with long-disputed phenomena, such as the discrepancy between energy distribution and metal removal, is demonstrated through the applications of the mechanism to the phenomena. The applied methods and results are more realistic since single pulse discharge among other process changes is prohibited. Such a more reliable understanding can correlate the complex metal removal mechanisms to better future process developments.
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ASME 2008 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 3rd JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing
October 7–10, 2008
Evanston, Illinois, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Manufacturing Engineering Division
Shifting Secondary Discharge as the Expulsion Mechanism in EDM
Y. F. Luo
Materials Periphery Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI
Jia Tao
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Paper No:
MSEC_ICM&P2008-72274, pp. 205-209; 5 pages
Published Online:
July 24, 2009
Luo, YF, & Tao, J. "Shifting Secondary Discharge as the Expulsion Mechanism in EDM." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 3rd JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing. ASME 2008 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Volume 1. Evanston, Illinois, USA. October 7–10, 2008. pp. 205-209. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/MSEC_ICMP2008-72274
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