In this work, a transient photon-electro-thermal (TPET) technique based on step laser heating and electrical thermal sensing is developed to characterize the thermophysical properties of one-dimensional micro/nanoscale conductive and nonconductive wires. In this method, the to-be-measured thin wire/tube is suspended over two electrodes and is irradiated with a step CW laser beam. The laser beam induces a transient temperature rise in the wire/tube, which will lead to a transient change of its electrical resistance. A DC current is applied to the sample, and the resulting transient voltage variation over the wire is measured and used to extract the thermophysical properties of the sample. A 25.4-μm thick Pt wire is used as the reference sample to verify this technique. Sound agreement is obtained between the measured thermal diffusivity and the reference value. Applying the TPET technique, the thermal diffusivity of conductive single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) bundles and nonconductive cloth fibers is measured. For nonconductive wires, a thin (∼nm) metallic film is coated on the outside of the wire for electrical thermal sensing. The measured thermal diffusivity for the SWCNT bundle is 2.53×10−5 m2/s, much less than the thermal diffusivity of graphite in the layer direction. For microscale cloth fibers, our experiment shows its thermal diffusivity is at the level of 10−7 m2/s.

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