In this paper we studied in the framework of two-fluid hydrodynamics with fluctuations the behavior of nanoparticles in the liquid with temperature gradient [1, 2]. It is shown that the acoustic long-wave fluctuations are not damped in liquids (long-wavelength phonons) and leads to an additional force acting on the nanoparticles, as well as lead to the emergence of a new force of thermophoresis [3], which is proportional to the temperature in three second degree. It is also shown that such a thermophoresis force arising under the two-fluid hydrodynamics, can lead to instability of an ensemble of nanoparticles in the presence of a temperature gradient. The last effect leads to the possible merger of the nanoparticles in the form of elongated clusters. The appearance of such clusters on the one hand, leads to an increase in effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids, and secondly, appearing elongated clusters contribute to the propagation of long-wavelength phonons along of such clusters. In fact, this new type of heat transfer in nanofluids, which must be considered in addition to the Brownian motion of nanoparticles.

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