In this study, electrokinetic transport in a micro-nanofluidic system is numerically investigated by solving the transient Poisson, Nernst-Planck, and Navier-Stokes equations simultaneously. The system considered is a nanochannel connected with two microchannels at its ends. Under various applied electric potential biases, the effect of concentration polarization on the fluid flow, induced pressure and electric current is examined. By comparing with the Donnan equilibrium condition and electroosmotic flow in microscale dimension, electric body force due to non-zero charge density is the mechanism for producing vortex flow and inducing positive pressure gradient in the anodic side of the system. The diffusive boundary layer thickness is reduced due to the stirring of the generated vortex flow and results in the over-limiting current when the applied electric potential bias is high.
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ASME 2009 Second International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer
December 18–21, 2009
Shanghai, China
Conference Sponsors:
- Nanotechnology Institute
Electrokinetic Transport in Micro-Nanofluidic Systems With Sudden-Expansion and Contraction Cross Sections
Reiyu Chein,
Reiyu Chein
Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
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Baogan Chung
Baogan Chung
Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
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Reiyu Chein
Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Baogan Chung
Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Paper No:
MNHMT2009-18120, pp. 597-607; 11 pages
Published Online:
October 26, 2010
Chein, R, & Chung, B. "Electrokinetic Transport in Micro-Nanofluidic Systems With Sudden-Expansion and Contraction Cross Sections." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Second International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer. ASME 2009 Second International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 3. Shanghai, China. December 18–21, 2009. pp. 597-607. ASME.
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