This paper presents a new generation Gage Restraint Measurement System (GRMS) recently developed by ENSCO, Inc. and Plasser American Corporation for delivery to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Office of Research and Development. The original GRMS technology was developed in the early 1980’s as a performance-based method to evaluate ties and fasteners. The technology has been adopted by many railroads, and commercial versions of the GRMS are being utilized daily throughout the U.S. A shortcoming of the current commercial system is that the unique split-axle system can derail when operating through switches and other track hardware. Since the split-axle is a main running axle, a derailment can have significant consequences. The new GRMS is designed as a fifth axle that is deployed from the frame of a track geometry vehicle instead of using one of the vehicle’s running axles. This results in a faster, more flexible, and safer GRMS design. This paper discusses the details of the new design and its advantages.
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ASME/IEEE 2005 Joint Rail Conference
March 16–18, 2005
Pueblo, Colorado, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Rail Transportation Division
The Deployable Gage Restraint Measurement System: Description and Operational Performance
Jeffrey A. Bloom,
Jeffrey A. Bloom
ENSCO, Inc., Springfield, VA
Search for other works by this author on:
Sung Lee
Sung Lee
Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC
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Jeffrey A. Bloom
ENSCO, Inc., Springfield, VA
Sung Lee
Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC
Paper No:
RTD2005-70009, pp. 31-38; 8 pages
Published Online:
October 27, 2008
Bloom, JA, & Lee, S. "The Deployable Gage Restraint Measurement System: Description and Operational Performance." Proceedings of the ASME/IEEE 2005 Joint Rail Conference. Joint Rail. Pueblo, Colorado, USA. March 16–18, 2005. pp. 31-38. ASME.
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