Developing of testing rigs represents a crucial activity for understanding the behavior of physical systems. A sloshing cargo in a railway tank car involves the dynamic interaction of the cargo-frame systems, characterized by lateral load transfers derived from the motion of the cargo. Such dynamic loads could develop a concentrated damage in the rail. While it has been recognized in the literature the influence of such dynamic sloshing forces on the wheel load exerted on the rails, affecting the lateral stability of the car and, consequently, the level of stress in the rail, no experimental validation has been made for none of these situations, namely, the effect of sloshing cargoes on the lateral stability of the cars, and on the corresponding stress level in the rails. In this paper, an experimental test rig is proposed to study the liquid cargo–tank car interaction when negotiating a turn. The equipment will provide the means to validate a simplified mathematical model, which will allow extensive parametric analyses.

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