Locomotives produce vibrations and mechanical shocks from irregularities in the track, structural dynamics, the engines, the trucks, and train slack movement (Mansfield, 2005). The different directions of the irregularities give rise to car-body vibrations in multiple axes including the following:

• longitudinal, or along the length of the train (x);

• lateral, or the side-to-side direction of the train (y);

• vertical (z).

The structural dynamics of rail vehicles give rise to several resonances in the 0.5–20Hz frequency range (Andersson, et al., 2005). Resonances are frequencies in the locomotive that cause larger amplitude oscillations. At these frequencies, even small-amplitude input vibration can produce large output oscillations. Further exacerbating the vibration environment, coupling of the axes of movement occurs: Motions in one direction contribute to motion in a different direction. The magnitude of vertical vibration in rail vehicles is reportedly well below many other types of vehicles (Dupuis & Zerlett, 1986; Griffin, 1990; Johanning, 1998). However, a lack of data from long-haul freight operations prevents an adequate characterization of the vibration environment of locomotive cabs.

The authors describe results from 2 long-haul whole-body vibration (WBV) studies collected on a 2009 GE ES44C4 locomotive and a 2008 EMD SD70ACe. These WBV studies sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) examined WBV and shock in locomotives over 123 hours and 2274 track miles. The researchers recorded vibration data using 2 triaxial accelerometers on the engineers’ seat: a seat pad accelerometer placed on the seat cushion and a frame accelerometer attached to the seat frame at the base. The research team collected and analyzed vibrations in accordance with ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5. ISO 2631-1 defines methods for the measurement of periodic, random and transient WBV. The focus of ISO 2631-5 is to evaluate the exposure of a seated person to multiple mechanical shocks from seat pad measurements.

Exposure to excessive vibration is associated with an increased occupational risk of fatigue-related musculoskeletal injury and disruption of the vestibular system. While this is not an established causal relationship, it is possible that vibration approaching the ISO 2631-1 health caution guidance zones may lead to an increased occupational risk.

The results from these rides show that the frequency-weighted ISO 2631 metrics are below the established health guidance caution zones of the WBV ISO 2631 standards. The goals of these studies are to:

• collect data in accordance with international standards so results can be compared with similar findings in the literature for shorter duration rides as well as vibration studies in other transportation modes,

• to characterize vibration and shock in a representative sample of locomotive operations to be able to generalize the results across the industry, and

• collect benchmark data for future locomotive cab ride-quality standards.

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