The San Pedro Bay Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles continue to provide vital rail connections to the rest of the country. The Rail Enhancement Program sets forth the rail improvements necessary to maintain performance as cargo volumes grow through the year 2035. Implementation of the Rail Enhancement Program has faced hurdles including environmental permitting, funding and competing stakeholder concerns. Cargo growth eased in the years approaching 2010, but the timing of proposed improvements to the rail infrastructure remains critical and challenging. The Rail Enhancement Program is the result of work over the past ten years. Conditions affecting the program have continued to change since the original Rail Master Planning Study of 2000. Updates to the Master Plan have been performed in 2005 and 2010. These documents provide analyses and recommendations for rail improvements to maintain adequate rail service on the Alameda Corridor and through the Port to its rail yards. In developing the Rail Enhancement Program, simulation is used to understand the impacts of increasing cargo volumes on the rail system and to investigate infrastructure and operating improvements required to address deficiencies and to determine improvements to efficiently handle projected traffic. This paper describes the development process with a summary of the analysis methods, resulting proposed rail projects, implementation process and current status of implementation. The steps of the rail system development process include the following: • Evaluation of existing and proposed rail operations; • Conceptual design of over forty potential rail improvement projects; • Analysis of the capacity of existing and proposed facilities; • Scheduling of project development to meet demand; • Estimation of environmental, community and regional impacts and benefits; • Determination of schedule including environmental permit requirements; • Development of project funding plans; and • Preparation of engineering designs and construction documents. The paper will conclude with a summary of the status of key projects from the Rail Enhancement Program. Implementation of the Rail Enhancement Program has included permitting, funding and design efforts on individual projects. The projects currently under development total $1B out of the overall $2B program. The Rail Enhancement Program provides significant benefits to operating efficiencies, environmental impacts and economic impacts. Implementation has been a challenging effort and illustrates the myriad obstacles facing public infrastructure development.
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2011 Joint Rail Conference
March 16–18, 2011
Pueblo, Colorado, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Rail Transportation Division
San Pedro Bay Ports Rail Enhancement Program: 2010 Update
Carlo Luzzi
Carlo Luzzi
Port of Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
Search for other works by this author on:
Michael Leue
Parsons, Irvine, CA
Carlo Luzzi
Port of Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
Paper No:
JRC2011-56069, pp. 425-431; 7 pages
Published Online:
February 8, 2012
Leue, M, & Luzzi, C. "San Pedro Bay Ports Rail Enhancement Program: 2010 Update." Proceedings of the 2011 Joint Rail Conference. 2011 Joint Rail Conference. Pueblo, Colorado, USA. March 16–18, 2011. pp. 425-431. ASME.
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