High-profile highway-rail crossings (HPGCs), often referred to as ‘humped crossings,’ present very serious and highly-consequential potential dangers to both railroads and motor carriers. The hazard is most commonly manifested when low-clearance trucks bottom out on these crossings and become stuck or immobilized across the tracks. This is often referred to as a ‘hang-up.’ Once a situation like this occurs, little can be done to prevent a train-truck collision. Some states have undertaken efforts to prevent hang-ups; however, multiple challenges have prevented significant progress from being made. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is continuing previous efforts in this area by initiating a study in order to prevent such events.
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IEEE/ASME/ASCE 2008 Joint Rail Conference
April 22–24, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Rail Transportation Division
Automated Technology for Rail-Based Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Surveying
Pindar Van Arman,
Pindar Van Arman
ENSCO Inc., Springield, VA
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Leith Al-Nazer
Leith Al-Nazer
Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC
Search for other works by this author on:
Pindar Van Arman
ENSCO Inc., Springield, VA
Leith Al-Nazer
Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC
Paper No:
JRC2008-63033, pp. 131-140; 10 pages
Published Online:
June 8, 2009
Van Arman, P, & , LA. "Automated Technology for Rail-Based Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Surveying." Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME/ASCE 2008 Joint Rail Conference. IEEE/ASME/ASCE 2008 Joint Rail Conference. Wilmington, Delaware, USA. April 22–24, 2008. pp. 131-140. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/JRC2008-63033
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