Response of brittle plate to impact loads has been the subject of many research studies [1–7]. Specifically, glass presents a wide variety of applications in daily life, and helps to protect the displays of smartphones, tablets, PCs, and TVs from everyday wear and tear. Therefore, the necessity of glass to resist scratches, drop impacts, and bumps from everyday use leads to the importance of investigation of the glass response under dynamic impact loading. The ball drop test has been applied in the past, specifying an energy threshold as a prediction metric. Use of energy as the key parameter in impact testing is limited, since it does not account for the time spent in contact during the impact event. This study attempts to establish a reliable metric for impact testing based on a momentum change threshold. The deformation and the strain of the glass will be obtained by the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) system, while the rebound velocity will be measured with the high speed cameras. The global and local measurements are conducted to verify the accuracy of the experimental results. Finally, the FEA model is developed using ANSYS/LS-DYNA to provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic response of the glass. Excellent correlation in deflection is obtained between the measurements and predictions.

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