In the present study, flow boiling in a transparent heated microtube having a diameter of 1 mm was investigated in detail. The transparent heated tube was manufactured by the electroless gold plating method. The enclosed gas-liquid interface could be clearly recognized through the tube wall, and the inner wall temperature measurement and direct heating of the film were simultaneously conducted by using the tube. Deaerated and deionized water that was subcooled temperature of 15 K was used as a test fluid, and constant and stable mass velocities of 50, 100, and 200 kg/m2s were provided by using a twin plunger pump. Among our experimental results, a vapor bubble grew up in a direction opposite the flow at a low heat flux and low mass velocities; however, this flow pattern was not observed at a high mass velocity of 200 kg/m2s. Under the conditions of G = 50 kg/m2s and high heat flux, the liquid film surrounding an elongated bubble near the heated tube wall occasionally thickened partially. The inner wall temperature exhibited large random oscillations in this regime; however, the visual observation revealed that dry-patches did not occur. The mass velocity had a negligible effect on the boiling heat transfer except in the counter-growth bubble flow regime.
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ASME 2009 InterPACK Conference collocated with the ASME 2009 Summer Heat Transfer Conference and the ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability
July 19–23, 2009
San Francisco, California, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division
An Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Characteristics in a Single Transparent Heated Microtube
Osamu Kawanami,
Osamu Kawanami
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
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Shih-Che Huang,
Shih-Che Huang
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
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Kazunari Kawakami,
Kazunari Kawakami
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
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Itsuro Honda,
Itsuro Honda
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
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Yousuke Kawashima,
Yousuke Kawashima
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
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Haruhiko Ohta
Haruhiko Ohta
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Osamu Kawanami
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
Shih-Che Huang
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
Kazunari Kawakami
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
Itsuro Honda
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
Yousuke Kawashima
University of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
Haruhiko Ohta
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Paper No:
InterPACK2009-89142, pp. 379-387; 9 pages
Published Online:
December 24, 2010
Kawanami, O, Huang, S, Kawakami, K, Honda, I, Kawashima, Y, & Ohta, H. "An Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Characteristics in a Single Transparent Heated Microtube." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 InterPACK Conference collocated with the ASME 2009 Summer Heat Transfer Conference and the ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability. ASME 2009 InterPACK Conference, Volume 2. San Francisco, California, USA. July 19–23, 2009. pp. 379-387. ASME.
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