The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of various parameters on rapid prototyping parts for processes of sintering metallic powder mixture by using Ytterbium fiber optic laser via the design of experiments (DOE) method. Experiments based on the DOE method were utilized to determine an optimal parameter setting for achieving a minimum amount of porosities in specimens during the selective laser sintering (SLS) process. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was further conducted to identify significant factors. A regression model predicting percentages of porosities under various conditions was developed when the traditional Taguchi’s approach failed to identify a feasible model due to strong interactions of controlled factors. The significant factors to the process were identified by ANOVA. Four controlled factors including pulse frequencies and scan rate of laser beams, laser power and scan line spacing with particle sizes of 75μm of the powder mixture base material had significant influence on the sintering process. Future investigation planned to be carried out for achieving multiple quality targets such as the hardness and the density for 3D parts. The implementation of the DOE method provided a systematic approach to identify an optimal parameter setting of the SLS process; thus, the efficiency of designing optimal parameters was greatly improved. This approach could be easily extended to 3D cases by just including additional parameters into the design. Additionally, utilization of the normality analysis on the residual data ensured that the selected model was adequate and extracted all applicable information from the experimental data.

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