Commercially available photovoltaic (PV) modules and systems often fall short of meeting the performance ratings specified by the module manufacturers or system designers [1]. This has resulted in reduced performance and low system availability, some system failures, and generally, a lack of confidence by systems users. Hence, a need for an independent accredited laboratory to conduct the testing and certification of PV modules and systems has been indicated by the PV industry, electric utilities, and other system users and owners. To meet this industry and user need, the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) has started a PV testing and certification program. The FSEC PV testing laboratory and certification program have been accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) and approved by the PowerMark Corporation (PMC, ), which is the certification body of the PV industry in the United States. The FSEC program currently covers three areas: (i) PV module power rating certification, (ii) Stand-Alone PV system performance evaluation and certification, and (iii) Grid-Connected PV system design review and approval. The PV module power rating certification is central to these three areas of the FSEC program, as illustrated in Figure 1. The details of the FSEC PV testing laboratory accreditation and certification program are described in a previous paper [2].

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