
The use of the new three-dimensional refraction technique was applied around the right-of-way (DDV) of the hydrocarbon gathering pipeline system (U-200), approximately 14.4 km long and 1.5 km wide. This technique included: a) processing of field seismic gathers data in conjunction with LIDAR-DTM topographic information, with which a 3D model of P-wave velocities was constructed; b) calibration of the P-velocity model with field data; and c) interpretation of the final P-velocity model.

The application of the new technique allowed the three-dimensional study of the subsurface around the U-200 by including the geological characterization of the velocities and the elaboration of several predictive geological maps (lithology, structural, topography, etc.). Correlations of these maps allowed the building of risk factor maps, in which areas with higher or lower geodynamic risk can be directly identified. These areas represented the zones where the pipeline/flowline was most prone to collapse.

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