Nowadays, natural disasters have become much frequently in Brazil, having as result serious consequences such as social, economic and environmental damages and losses.

The aim of this paper is evaluate the actions provided by TRANSPETRO in emergency span occurred in OSPAR right-of-way due to intense and heavy rains that occurred in March 2011 in the Serra do Mar Hills, in Parana State, southern Brazil.

The geotechnical phenomenon affected three pipelines:

• OSPAR Oil Pipeline, which is responsible for supplying the Presidente Getulio Vargas Refinery - REPAR with crude oil;

• OPASC Oil Pipeline: used for distribute derivatives from REPAR to Santa Catarina State;

• GASBOL Gas Pipeline: supplies Southern Brazil with natural gas from Bolivia.

After several days of heavy and steady rain, on 11th March 2011 the rainfall reached the peak of 180mm in 24 hours what generated more than 50 geotechnical and hydrotechnical occurrences in OSPAR stream at Serra do Mar crossing,.

The actions, necessary to reducing the hazard, required stopping of oil pipelines, decrease of internal pressure in the gas pipeline, rearrangement of internal staff and machinary structure, and support of external companies structure, such as partnerships companies and new emergency contracts including heavily aircraft support, staffs and machines.

The emergency works, carried out in the occasion, leaded to the return of pipeline operations in less than five days. The total pipeline security was established with the stabilization of more than 50 geotechnical and hydrotechnical occurrences.

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