The present work introduces the technology background at the origin of FOPIMS (Fiber Optic Pipeline Integrity Monitoring Systems) with an emphasis on geotechnical monitoring. It shows how temperature sensing can be implemented to control soil erosion or dune migration through event localization and spatial quantification. Arctic pipeline monitoring project illustrates the application of soil erosion detection. Direct measurement of strain in soil also enhances environmental threat detection. Combined with temperature sensing, strain sensing composes the geotechnical monitoring system. Transandean pipeline monitoring examples are presented where the DITEST AIM was implemented for geohazard prevention. These study cases concern new pipeline installation as well as retrofit of existing lines. The technique successfully evidenced early events and allowed preventive measures to be taken.
In some applications actual pipeline deformation need to be monitored. Such operation is achieved by measuring distributed strain along sensing cables attached to the structure. We show how such measurements complement the geotechnical measurements. We also describe a real implementation in seismic active area.
As a whole, the work focuses on the technique principles, the installation and how the system is being implemented for pipeline preventive maintenance. We intend to present a comprehensive set of design guidelines based on real results and lessons learned from the various projects in what concerns geohazard detection and pipeline deformation monitoring.