This paper summarizes the fundamental aspects of the development of the Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) approach to define factors of safety for design and reassessment of pipelines and risers in the Bay of Campeche, Mexico. Based on a cost-benefit analysis associated to a particular development and generic type of system, as well as legal regulatory to national requirements, the target reliabilities for the system are defined. These target reliabilities are addressed in four quality attributes of the system: serviceability, safety, durability, and compatibility. The variabilities, uncertainties, and biases associated to the demands and capacities of the pipeline for the design and reassessment criteria are evaluated, and the factors of safety or allowable stress factors for single and combined in-place loadings are determined.

The traditional Working Stress Design (WSD) format for guidelines is used here. This format utilizes a nominal “static” loading to define the serviceability response characteristics and strength of the structure.

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