The SCC (stress corrosion cracking) database was initiated by the CEPA (Canadian Energy Pipeline Association) SCC Working. The current generation of the database has a broad scope, containing detailed data for each and every colony and its associated environmental conditions. The database also includes corrosion and dents amongst other integrity concerns to identify any correlation with SCC and provide a common industry data format to investigate these other integrity issues. The intent of the current version of the database is to provide for the most detailed data entry that one could typically capture at an investigative dig. With the wide acceptance of the current version the CEPA database it is evolving into the industry standard for investigative excavation data.
The initial trending results are based on the dataset generated by CEPA member companies, which represents over a thousand investigative excavations. The trend results should only be interpreted broadly at this time, although they do generally support industry’s understanding of SCC.
The development and implementation of the CEPA SCC database is premised on the belief, developed through extensive field investigations and laboratory research, that SCC is not a random development, but it initiates and grows at specific locations susceptible to SCC. It is further premised on the belief that such susceptible sites can be generally located by appropriate prioritization techniques. Thus, the objective of the database is to explore correlation among the various operational and environmental variables to improve the current understanding of how to locate SCC, and in particular ‘significant’ SCC, in order that measures can be taken to prevent operational failures and enhance the safety of Canadian pipelines.
The need for an industry database regarding SCC was identified by the CEPA SCC working group shortly after its formation 1994. It was apparent that the various companies were collecting the field data from investigative excavations in significantly different formats, only some of which were electronic. The need for a common data structure and data repository to facilitate trending was reinforced numerous times at the Banff Conferences and by the NEB during its inquiry into SCC in 1995/96.