“Fitness For Use”[1] criteria are used to define project quality. This paper documents how to establish the “Fitness For Use” criteria for pipe line variable frequency drives (VFD’s). A Pipe Line VFD project’s life cycle process together with the technical requirements” determine its “fitness for use”. Effective definition and management of these “life cycle requirements”, therefore ensures a quality result.

In summary, this paper documents how the “Fitness For Use Criteria” methodology was successfully used on the IPL Capacity Expansion Program to:

(a) establish the project process;

(b) engineer, procure, construct, commission and start-up the VFD systems; and

(c) carry out training plus technically support the pipe line’s early operation phase.

The Canadian section of IPL’s Line 13 is powered by eight pump stations containing five 3750 hp and three 6250hp, current source inverter (CSI)[2] based VFDs; this equipment was installed and commissioned in 1994, and has been in operation for 18 months.

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