MOZG - Warsaw Regional Gas Distribution Company was established in 1856. Now it is one of six gas distribution companies in Poland and covers about a quarter of the area of our country. We serve 1.8 million customers in total. The total length of our distribution network is approximately 20,000 km and the quality of the greater part of our pipelines is suitable for the current level of demand. However, approximately 150 km of our network is made of steel or cast iron constructed pre 1955. Additional some 3000 km of piping is between 15 to 40 years old. Due to steadily increasing safety demands, some of the pipelines will need reconstruction. The majority of the substandard piping is located in urban areas. It is common to find gas pipes buried under roads and pavements along with other utilities (water, sewage, power and communications) leaving these underground areas crowded. Also due to the recent increase in “traffic volume” it has become more and more difficult to conduct pipeline reconstruction by conventional “trench excavation” pipe replacement techniques.

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