
Mechanical damages such as dents are one of the most common threats to the structural integrity of buried pipelines traversing high population areas or mountainous terrains. Dents are defined as local inward depression in the pipe surface caused by external forces that produce pipe wall plastic deformation and a disturbance in the curvature of the pipe. Since not all dents affect the fitness for service (FFS) of a pipeline, dents identified by in-line inspection (ILI) tools need to be properly evaluated to determine the severity. This article provides a methodological framework to carry out a comprehensive fitness for service engineering assessment of dented natural gas pipelines using finite element analyses. The assessment is based on the evaluation of the dent formation strain, plastic collapse, local buckling, and pressure cycling fatigue failure modes. This FFS engineering assessment methodology addresses the susceptibility of dents to ductile fracture damages and stress-corrosion cracking integrity threats that can develop due to high membrane and bending loads in a dented pipe. This FFS assessment methodology has successfully been utilized to assess dents identified by ILI in gas pipeline systems. The results and the associated interpretation and discussions of the FFS assessment findings are presented herein.

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