Human and Organizational Factors (HOF) as a discipline applies tools, theory, principles, data and methods to optimize human, organizational, and overall system performance. To date, there has been relatively little guidance available to pipeline operating companies regarding the integration of HOF within and across organizational management systems, pipeline protection programs, and operational activities. CSA Group Express Document EXP16 (EXP16) entitled Human and organizational factors for optimal pipeline performance is intended to address this deficiency. It builds upon a previously published express document, which was more limited in scope: CSA EXP248 Pipeline Human Factors.
EXP16 is intended to offer practical guidance regarding the management of Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) and provide greater content dedicated to organizational factors such as leadership, governance, management system effectiveness, and safety culture.
EXP16 has been prepared and reviewed by the CSA Group’s Development Committee on Human and Organizational Factors for Optimal Pipeline Performance. The committee was comprised of representatives from pipeline companies, consulting firms, regulatory agencies, investigative bodies, and HOF subject matter experts from various technical fields (e.g., nuclear). The goal of the document was to marry the introduction of key concepts with practical guidance and best practices that a pipeline company may apply to support enhanced performance, including the prevention of harm to people, property, and the environment caused by a major hazard accident (e.g., unintended product release, spill, explosion, fire).
This paper will review the content and application of EXP16. It will discuss seven key HOF principles and introduce several relevant PIFs associated with People, Organization, and Task, Technology, and Workplace. The impact and management of PIFs throughout the pipeline life cycle will be explored.
This paper will also present the key concept of “the learning organization” and how this outcome may be facilitated through both the proactive and reactive application of HOFs.