The present work arose from problems occurred during the revamp of a pipeline SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system at the beginning of 2012, when occurred some unexpected system crashes that could interrupt the operation of the second major Brazilian pipeline maritime terminal.

Before a system breakdown, we observed some signs, like fail-overs in the event log files. If the development and maintenance crews were aware of these events not only the problem causes could be better understood, but also the imminent crash could have been avoided. A faster and autonomous way for the system communicates its problems was necessary.

ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) — a part of an autonomous communication system, which reports aircraft condition for a system on the ground, through satellite links and short messages — inspired us to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) system, using text messages (SMS, short message service) of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM).

Autonomous and short text messages are the keywords that drove our work, and the solution came through a text message gateway — the solution to get information in advance.

This presentation will discuss the idea, hardware and software components, message format, applications and future perspectives.

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