The single-edge notch tension (SENT) test is frequently used for the assessment of the integrity of welds with flaws in them; this is done since the SENT specimen has the same flaw orientation as a surface flaw in the weld, and has similar constraint that affects the brittle-to-ductile transition and upper-shelf value. Traditionally SENT specimens are machined with a rectangular cross-section from the weld, and the thickness might be reduced because of that machining operation. The toughness value of the constant thickness machined specimen is then used in a pipe fracture analysis. Of course real welds have crowns in the roots of the weldment, which are ignored in both the fracture specimen test and the pipe geometry fracture analysis. To assess the importance of the weld crown and root, SENT tests were conducted as an exploratory aspect to determine the effect on toughness. Additionally, assessment of results where the SENT specimen breaks in the weld or base metal outside the weld due to the reinforcing that is usually machined off and ignored were conducted. The use of a full-weldment cross-section in SENT testing can be done for axial seam welds or circumferential welds. The initial work was on axial seam welds, although there is ongoing work for circumferential welds as well.

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