This paper will demonstrate that with limited instruments at the terminals and platforms only, it is feasible to monitor the integrity of offshore pipelines effectively. Some examples of applications will be shown, including both crude oil and natural gas pipelines.

The statistical volume balance technology based on flow and pressure measurements at the inlets and outlets only provides the detection and location of leaks. The paper describes the performance of these leak detection systems for incidents ranging from small leaks to pipeline rupture.

To help operators run pipelines safely and cost effectively, real-time transient models are used to calculate the flow, pressure, temperature, density and other fluid properties along the pipeline. Instead of using measured flow and pressure, the operators rely on these calculated values to take operational decisions. The combination of hydraulic modelling and statistical leak detection provides the operators with the information and confidence in the integrity of their pipelines. In the event of any incident the operators can take actions quickly and correctly to minimize the consequences.

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