The increasing use of composite repair systems in critical and complex applications has brought greater scrutiny to their design and performance. This has been especially true in high-temperature, immersed environment applications where ambient temperature test results with industry standard de-rating factors are all that is available for design. Since this approach does not always adequately capture environmental effects or the performance of composite systems at elevated temperatures, it is beneficial to perform full-scale testing which accurately replicates the in-situ application. In order to accomplish this, a full-scale testing program was developed that subjected multiple composite repair systems to internal and external loads at temperatures up to 120 °C with and without water immersion.

This program involved the reinforcement of 12.75-inch × 0.375-inch pipe samples that had simulated corrosion defects. Full-scale load and pressure testing was conducted to simulate the long-term performance of the composite repair systems in the environmental conditions of the application. A strain based performance threshold of 0.4% strain at 120 °C and 100% SMYS was used to develop a competitive program that ranked the participating systems and reduced the number of acceptable repairs from six down to three. This approach increased the efficiency of the full-scale testing and allowed for more in-depth analysis of the top-performing systems.

The results of the full-scale testing of six composite repair systems at elevated temperature allowed for a quantitative measure of their effectiveness under in-situ conditions. Several of the systems were shown to provide inadequate reinforcement under these conditions; however, it was also observed that appropriately designed and installed systems are capable of meeting the intense demands of elevated temperature, harsh-service conditions.

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