This paper presents a time history of 12 years of surface deformation in the Belridge Oil Field, California, USA from an InSAR analysis using multiple satellites.

The time series reveals deformation rates as high as 80 cm/yr at times with a maximum overall deformation of 3.92 m. The use of multiple satellites and multiple observation modes provided deformation measurements at a frequency as high as every two days from the RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2 satellites.

The InSAR derived estimates of motion are shown with respect to a pipeline segment that transects the Belridge Oil Field. The use of wide area ground movement monitoring provides both high resolution (3 m on the ground) and high precision (deformation measurements to ± 1 mm).

The observed ground motion is validated with collocated measurements from a set of Global Navigation Satellite System units installed for a period in 2012.

The long term, validated time series of observations provide a unique data set with which to compare pipeline incidents. The correlation between incidents and ground movement can help estimate the pipeline state as related to stress and strain from ground displacement.

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