Pipeline is the common mode for transporting oil, gas, and various petroleum products. Aging and corrosive environment may lead to formation of various defects such as crack, dent, gouge, and corrosion. The performance evaluation of field pipelines with crack defect is important. Accurate assessment of crack depth and remaining fatigue life of pipelines with crack defect is vital for pipeline’s structural integrity, inspection interval, management, and maintenance. An experimental based research work was completed at the University of Windsor for developing a semi-empirical model for estimating the remaining fatigue life of oil and gas pipes when a longitudinal crack defect has formed. A statistical approach in conjunction with fracture mechanics was used to develop this model. Statistical analysis was undertaken on CT specimen data to develop this fatigue life assessment model. Finite element method was used for determining the stress intensity factor. The fatigue life assessment model was then validated using full-scale fatigue test data obtained from 762 mm (30 inch) diameter X65 pipe. This paper discusses the test specimens and test data obtained from this study. Development and validation of the fatigue life assessment model is also presented in this paper.

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