This paper presents the results of experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) studies focused on the tensile strain capacity of X80 pipelines under large axial loading with high internal pressure. Full-pipe tensile test of girth welded joint was performed using high-strain X80 linepipes. Curved wide plate (CWP) tests were also conducted to verify the strain capacity under a condition of no internal pressure. The influence of internal pressure was clearly observed in the strain capacity. Critical tensile strain is reduced drastically due to the increased crack driving force under high internal pressure. In addition, SENT tests with shallow notch specimens were conducted in order to obtain a tearing resistance curve for the simulated HAZ of X80 material. Crack driving force curves were obtained by a series of FEA, and the critical global strain of pressurized pipes was predicted to verify the strain capacity of X80 welded linepipes with surface defects. Predicted strain showed good agreement with the experimental results.

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