This paper presents the implementation by Petrobras Transporte S.A. - Transpetro of its Oil Pipelines and Terminals Standardization Program (PRONOT) within the scope of the “Integrated Management System” (IMS). This program, launched in 2006 in the regions where the company operates, aims at standardizing all of its oil pipeline and terminal operations. Its implementation was planned in two phases: (i) the first, already successfully concluded, refers to pipeline operations, industrial maintenance and right-of-way activities management; and (ii) the second, initiated in 2009, encompasses cross-sectional activities including health, safety and environment (HSE); training and development of oil pipeline workforce; communication with stakeholders; oil pipeline integrity; and engineering project requirements. The documental structures of Transpetro IMS and PRONOT are described and represented graphically to emphasize the intentional alignment of the standardization process carried out by the Oil Pipelines and Terminals Unit to the corporate IMS, based upon national and international literature review and through practical research focusing on the best international practices.

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