In 1996, the Pipeline Operators Forum (POF) published its first version of an In Line Inspection Specification to standardize how an operator and vendor would undertake a pipeline inspection. Within the POF specification, anomalies have been classified into categories as a function of their length and width in order to allow vendors to state their Probability of Detection and sizing tolerances for each classification. In the latest 2009 revision, there is an increased visibility for all corrosion categories. Previously, when utilizing conventional MFL tools, ILI vendors were not capable of supplying probability of detection and sizing specifications for several categories such as Pinholes and Axial Slotting. Recent advancements with MFL technologies have allowed performance improvements to be made detection and sizing for Pinholes, Pitting, Axial Grooving and Axial Slotting. This paper will summarize experience gained from both pull through and field results of the latest generation MFL Technology leveraging data from a high density array of axial, radial, & transverse sensors. The data will show there is a distinguishable improvement in the Probability of Detection and Sizing tolerances for many of the POF categories which will allow pipeline operators make more informed pipeline integrity decisions.

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