The National Energy Board (NEB) held an Inquiry in 1995 to determine the extent of knowledge and occurrence of SCC on Canadian oil and gas pipelines. The Report of the Inquiry, which was published in December 1996, issued 27 recommendations to promote public safety by encouraging the sharing of information on the extent of SCC and methods for managing and mitigating it. A major recommendation of the Report stated “that the NEB requires companies to report immediately to the NEB any finding of “significant” SCC and any immediate mitigative actions taken...” The definition of “significant” SCC is based on the definition adopted by the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) at the time of the Inquiry. Subsequently the NEB has required companies to submit this information and has used it to monitor the extent of and management of “significant” SCC on their regulated pipelines. This paper examines trends identified from the over 500 “significant” SCC reports submitted to the NEB. The analysis examines trends associated with product shipped, coating type, pipe grade, year of manufacture and SCC location on the pipe. In addition the paper will highlight the length and depth of “significant” SCC features, their methods of detection and the mitigation steps used to reduce any threat posed by the SCC. From the information presented in the paper, companies and regulators should be able to compare their “significant” SCC findings with the NEB average and in so doing aid in the continued management of SCC.

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