The primary objective of this study was to develop a better understanding of all-weld-metal tensile testing using both round and strip tensile specimens in order to establish the variation of weld metal strength with respect to test specimen through-thickness position as well as the location around the circumference of a given girth weld. Results from a series of high strength pipeline girth welds have shown that there can be considerable differences in measured engineering 0.2% offset and 0.5% extension yield strengths using round and strip tensile specimens. To determine whether or not the specimen type influenced the observed stress-strain behaviour a series of tests were conducted on high strength X70, X80 and X100 line pipe steels and two double joint welds produced in X70 linepipe using a double-submerged-arc welding process. These results confirmed that the same form of stress-strain curve is obtained with both round and strip tensile specimens, although with the narrowest strip specimen slightly higher strengths were observed for the X70 and X100 linepipe steels. For the double joint welds the discontinuous stress-strain curves were observed for both the round and modified strip specimens. Tests conducted on the rolled X100 mechanized girth welds established that the round bar tensile specimens exhibited higher strength than the strip specimens. In addition, the trends for the split-strip specimens, which consistently exhibit lower strength for the specimen towards the OD and higher for the mid-thickness positioned specimen has also been confirmed. This further substantiates the through-thickness strength variation that has been observed in other X100 narrow gap welds. A second objective of this study was to provide an evaluation of the weld metal toughness and to characterize the weld metal microstructure for the series of mechanized girth welds examined.

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