Pipeline integrity management is essential for today’s operators to operate their pipelines both in a safe and cost effective manner. Around the world, the latest developments of pipeline integrity management are driven by changes in regulation, industry standards and the latest innovations in technology. Beijing Huayou Gas Company (BHGC) is a pioneer in the Chinese pipeline industry through its implementation of pipeline integrity management and utilization of the latest developed technologies such as in-line inspection (ILI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), risk assessments and advanced repair technologies. By using smart pigging inspections combined with GIS and EAM (Enterprise Assets Management) on 1,000 km of Shaanxi-Beijing gas pipeline, BHGC is able to manage the pipeline’s integrity in five areas, pipe materials safety, natural and geotechnical hazards management, coating and corrosion protection, stationing plus associated facilities maintenance and underground gas storage integrity. This paper describes the latest achievements of BHGC in their pipeline integrity programs.

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