Pipeline stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) is an ongoing integrity concern for pipeline operators. A number of different strategies are currently employed to locate and mitigate SCC. Ultrasonic in-line inspection tools have proven capable of locating SCC, but reliability of these tools in gas pipelines remains in question. Rotating hydrotest programs are effectively employed by some companies but may not provide useful information as to the location of SCC along the pipeline. NACE Standard RP0204-2004 (SCC Direct Assessment Methodology) outlines factors to consider and methodologies to employ to predict where SCC is likely to occur, but even this document acknowledges that there are no well-established methods for predicting the presence of SCC with a high degree of certainty. Predictive modelling attempts to date have focused on establishing quantitative relationships between environmental factors and SCC formation and growth; these models have achieved varying degrees of success. A statistical approach to SCC predictive modelling has been developed. In contrast to previous models that attempted to determine direct correlations between environmental parameters and SCC, the new model statistically analyzed data from dig sites where SCC was and was not found. Regression techniques were used to create a multi-variable logistic regression model. The model was applied to the entire pipeline and verification digs were performed. The dig results indicated that the model was able to predict locations of SCC along the pipeline.

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