Field fabricated branch connections are manufactured in lieu of forged tee fittings. To be used in accordance with ASME B31.8, these connections are subject to the area replacement method to ensure that sufficient material is present to reinforce the opening in the run piping. If insufficient material is present in the weld itself, pads are welded into place to serve as the reinforcing mechanism. One question posed recently to Stress Engineering Services, Inc. and Armor Plate, Inc. by a gas pipeline company was the feasibility of using composite materials to reinforce previously-fabricated branch connections that did not have sufficient steel material present to satisfy the requirements of the area replacement method. Initial evaluation of the concept involved calculating the strength required to ensure that the branch connection would have sufficient long-term strength to withstand operating condition. Elastic-plastic finite element analyses were also performed using limit analysis methods to determine the minimum composite thickness that was required. Once all analytical efforts were completed, a full-scale test was performed on an exemplar branch connection fabricated from a 24-in × 0.375-in pipe and a branch pipe fabricated from 12.75-in × 0.375-in pipe (both Grade X42). Pressure levels exceeding 2.9 times the MAOP of the 24-inch pipe (787 psi) were reached before the branch connection leaked at a maximum pressure level of 2,314 psi. This burst pressure is 1.76 times SMYS. A burst in the connection did not occur, but rather a leak developed in the weld joining the branch and the run pipes and most likely initiated in the crotch region where the highest levels of strain occurred during pressure testing. Considering the results of the test program and the calculated results, the pipeline operator concluded that a sufficient design margin existed to warrant the use of the composite materials as a valid reinforcement method. In addition to specific elements of the evaluation program, this paper will also provide discussions on using composites materials in repairing and reinforcing high pressure pipelines.
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2006 International Pipeline Conference
September 25–29, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- Pipeline Division
Reinforcing Field Fabricated Branch Connections Using Composite Materials
Chris Alexander,
Chris Alexander
Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, TX
Search for other works by this author on:
Tony Wilson
Tony Wilson
Armor Plate, Inc., Pasadena, TX
Search for other works by this author on:
Chris Alexander
Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, TX
Tony Wilson
Armor Plate, Inc., Pasadena, TX
Paper No:
IPC2006-10483, pp. 259-265; 7 pages
Published Online:
October 2, 2008
Alexander, C, & Wilson, T. "Reinforcing Field Fabricated Branch Connections Using Composite Materials." Proceedings of the 2006 International Pipeline Conference. Volume 1: Project Management; Design and Construction; Environmental Issues; GIS/Database Development; Innovative Projects and Emerging Issues; Operations and Maintenance; Pipelining in Northern Environments; Standards and Regulations. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 25–29, 2006. pp. 259-265. ASME.
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